Company Magazine WORLD OF RELAYS
After a complicated 2020 for many of us, we have started 2021 with a lot of enthusiasm. Nevertheless, we soon found ourselves facing the same challenges as in March 2020, especially with regard to home office. Compared to last year, the transition was smooth this time, as the first lockdown has prompted us to accelerate internal digitization processes in the second half of 2020. This included the introduction of IP telephony, tools for collaborative working and a workflow system.
Of course, new tools only bring added value if they are used sensibly in everyday work. However, thanks to the experience gained during the first lockdown, the implementation of these tools was very straightforward. All employees recognized the benefits both for internal use and for our customers and partners. We have seen the same kind of dynamic with most of our partners. The exchange has even intensified in the last few months, with the difference that people talked on the screen instead of in person.
We hope that we have met your expectations in every respect during this extraordinary time and we look forward to seeing you again in person. Enjoy reading it.
Yours faithfully,
Alexandre El Soda, CEO