Cannabis – The underestimated miracle plant
Even in ancient times, Cannabis sativa – as the plant is known in Latin – was used as a medicinal plant in a number of different civilisations. The two key active ingredients it contains are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), which can be used to treat chronic pain and muscle spasms, and can also effect an improvement in a person’s mood. Cannabis offers benefits that other active ingredients cannot. The human body itself produces similar substances, which take effect via receptors in the central nervous system that are also receptive to the active ingredients in cannabis. In medicine, appropriate preparations are prescribed to people suffering from chronic illnesses, in particular to those for whom conventional pain medication causes nausea or is no longer effective. Therefore, cannabis is not just an illegal narcotic, it is also a component of effective medicines which are being approved as prescription drugs in an increasing number of countries.
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