Railway technology


ComatReleco offers specialised products for the railway sector. Products for installation on railway vehicles comply with the current standards EN50155 and EN45545. EN50155 essentially describes the operating conditions (shock, vibration, temperature, EMC), reliability, maintainability, etc. EN45545 deals with the fire safety measures for rail vehicles.

The compliance with national or customer-specific standards requires clarification, whereby we can rely on our many years of industry experience.

Check our railway catalogue


BLS Lötschberg – Part of the new rail link through the alps

From road to rail is a goal that has become even more important in view of the climate discussion. Against this background, and in order to cope with the increasing volume of traffic and passengers, the Lötschberg summit tunnel for the BLS car transport between Kandersteg and Goppenstein is currently being partially upgraded and provided with a concrete floor.

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Stoos – record-breaking funicular

It takes just under two hours to get from Zurich city centre to the mountain world of the Stoos region by public transport. No wonder, Stoos is a popular destination for excursions with its wide range of leisure activities. After just over 80 years of operation, the technically outdated funicular has been replaced by a new, state-of-the-art one. Thanks to an ingenious inclination compensation system, the cabin is automatically aligned so that the passenger level is always completely horizontal and thus also suitable for wheelchair users and prams. To ensure safe railway operation, Stoosbahnen uses the CMS-10R messaging system and has also found further interesting applications for it.

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Safety at level crossings – only the best solutions will do

There are still too many serious accidents at level crossings, often resulting in fatalities. Signalling systems are frequently ignored or misinterpreted if there are no barriers. It is therefore of paramount importance that level crossings are equipped with good safety systems. RGS-Bahnsicherheitstechnik GmbH specialises in level crossing safety systems and offers a range of solutions in its product range which can be adapted to the conditions in any given case. There are already more than 200 systems in operation in Switzerland. The high quality and range of functions of the ComatReleco products also play a significant part in efficient operation and effective alarm management at the RGS-Bahnsicherheitstechnik crossings. We are proud of this and happy to have the privilege of playing a key partnership role in major development processes. Product design geared to individual customer requirements is our strength.

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Metro Trains – Mobility in Melbourne

The smooth running of the passenger transport is imperative in large urban areas, especially at peak times. Since the commuter trains used for this purpose often operate for many years, these are renovated not only regarding passenger comfort from time to time, but they must also be overhauled technically and updated to the newest safety standards. The Australian operator Metro Trains Melbourne is presently equipping its trains with a modern control and monitoring system. The corresponding coupling and de-coupling circuit delivers information on whether two carriages ae connected with one another. This ensures that the locking signals of the door controls really do reach the driver’s stand. This is realised by using a special contactor designed for railway applications. Its extremely compact design enables the retroactive installation in the switching cabinets of the carriages where space is very limited.

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Safety and comfort in rail traffic

The required track infrastructure must be regularly services to ensure the smooth running of passenger and freight rail traffic. To this purpose the manufacturer Autech AG combines specific track maintenance machines with conventional trucks that are approved for road use. The flexibility of the work equipment thus resulted in reduced total costs. The operating power required is made provided by a diesel unit. Consumers with large power draws are activated using a special, compactly designed contactor with a high DC-5 switching capacity. Four-pole plug-in industrial relays are used for smaller group controls. In order to further enhance the availability of the operating equipment, the sensitive outputs of the main control unit are equipped with semi-conductor coupling relays.

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Energy management on the railways

Numerous control and monitoring functions are permanently performed in the modern rail vehicles of the Stadler rail AG. For example, in the idle state, the battery voltage level must be monitored continuously using a voltage monitoring relay, in order to guarantee the independent connection of the current collector to the overhead cable network. High-availability industrial relays with long life features are used in the light and door controls to minimise the service times. Modules with a time function complement these reliable relays. Lighting tasks for the particularly sensitive field of vision of the river’s stand are solved with modern multifunction time relays which are controlled using buttons. The regulation of the heating elements in the passenger area is performed using wear-free semiconductor contactors due to the high-power consumption and cyclical activation and deactivation.

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