Company Magazine WORLD OF RELAYS
This year we were present at several national and international trade fairs. We were able to make many new contacts and maintain existing relationships. The direct exchange with our customers is of enormous importance to us and we take the feedback very seriously. We received a lot of positive feedback about our office staff. At this point we would like to thank our support staff, who do a very good and important job as a link to our customers.
But what makes a good customer support? We received a lot of feedback on this question. In summary, we can say that the availability of the TEAM and thus the prompt response to enquiries are very important. Furthermore, the fact that we can serve our customers in German, French, Italian and English without any problems is very much appreciated. Apparently, this is no longer a matter of course in the market. We are proud that we meet these requirements with our TEAM.
How does the technical competence of our support staff come about?
We develop our products in-house and have the necessary technical staff at hand. This means that we not only know our products well from the catalogue, but also understand how they work. The cooperation between the R&D, After Sales and Technical Support departments works very well thanks to short distances. The clou is that at ComatReleco there is a bidirectional cooperation between the market and our technology. The information gathered by the support team quickly finds its way to product management and then to R&D. This means that we can react quickly to market developments. This is also the reason why we can cover very short-term product adaptations for projects with individual requirements. This is a very big advantage in the cooperation with ComatReleco.
We are optimistic about the future and look forward to using the experience we have gained in recent years to the benefit of our customers. Soon we will be launching another product family of coupling components for digital and analogue signals.
Daniel Herren, CSO